Issue Log

All Devices

Due to the differences in display panels muOS cannot guarantee that it will work for your specific device. The muOS crew do not wish to play cat and mouse games with potential revisions of devices that come out otherwise nothing would get done besides fixing hardware issues that are out of our control. Not to say that we can’t fix them it is not feasible for us to be purchasing devices that may or may not have different revisions.

RG28XX - Screen Issues

The RG28XX has been known to have a “Halo” effect, this is a hardware fault and is best resolved by speaking with your supplier/retailer of choice. —

RG35XXSP - Button Membrane Issues

The RG35XXSP has been known to have issues with the buttons and D-PAD collapsing / puncturing. While there is no “fix” there are many tutorials online for helping this issue. Be warned this is done at YOUR OWN risk.

RG34XX - SD Card Launching

The RG34XX is known for having a difficult MicroSD/TF card slot, be warned when removing cards from this device it is very easy to lose your card as they are spring loaded.

Please report other issues on the Discord, this list will be updated as more issues are known (and fixes to match)