Archive Manager

NOTE: Only install archives that you trust!

We accept no responsibility for either the content of your archives or any loss of data or functionality as a result of using this feature.

The Archive Manager is located at Applications > Archive Manager

How does it work?

If it doesn’t exist, you can create a folder named ARCHIVE in the root of SD1, SD2, USB
Here you can place specially created archive manager .muxzip files.
The archive manager will extract the contents of any .muxzip file, so it’s important that they are created correctly.


└── Archive
    ├── BIOS Files.muxzip
    ├── Retroarch Overrides.muxzip
    ├── Save Games.muxzip
    └── WiFi Config.muxzip
└── Archive
    └── Box Art.muxzip

How should I structure the Archive .zip files?

Each archive file extracts to / so this means you need to ensure that the archive contains the Full Path you wish to extract to.


To create an archive of your muOS saves the zip should contain the complete file path.

└─ mmc
   └── MUOS
       └── save
           ├── file
           │   └── <core>
           │       └── <save files>
           └── state
               └── <core>
                   └── <save files>

SD1 root is /mnt/mmc
SD2 root is /mnt/sdcard
USB root is /mnt/usb

What can I restore with this Archive Manager?

It’s very flexible and can be used for pretty much anything.
Simply create a .muxzip file with the correct path.


Want to backup and restore your favourite games? Go for it!

mnt/mmc/roms/Game Boy Color/Opossum

Want to share your latest Pokemon save with a friend? No problem!

run/muos/global/save/file/gpSP/Pokemon Emerald.srm