Scheme File Introduction

Scheme files will determine what to do with your files within ./images/ and alter the aesthetic and operations of your theme. You’ll be able to change variables per program here such as;

  • The alignment of the navigation buttons in the footer.
  • Colour and transparency of all text + backgrounds.
  • Positioning of text.

Hex Codes are 6 digit sequences that determine the colours of different elements.

Alpha Ranges from 0-255, with 0 being invisible and 255 being opaque.

Below you will find all the available attributes you can change in a scheme file, and explanations for every line.

Tip: Refer to the Theme Structure page to find the muxprogram list. Each individual page can have unique properties by creating another .ini file within the ./scheme/ folder with matching names to that program.

Scheme File Hierarchy

Multiple scheme files can be loaded for each screen in muOS. The files are loaded in an additive manner with each setting present in a scheme file overriding the previously read file settings. This allows for you to have a global file containing most of your theme settings in a centrallized location and separate files with minimal settings to adjust resolution or screen specific settings.

Scheme Path Description
/scheme/global.ini Main scheme for your file. Settings in this file are for the entire theme regardless of resolution or screen.
/{Resolution}/scheme/default.ini Default scheme settings for this settings related to all screens for a specific resolution. For example changing CONTENT_ITEM_COUNT to a larger amount of items for specific resolutions.
/{Resolution}/scheme/{module}.ini Settings that only apply to a specific screen at a specific resolution. For example you may want to adjust CONTENT_WIDTH in a muxplore.ini file to allow room for displaying box art.

Scheme File Line-By-Line

This is an example of a random ./scheme/default.ini file from the theme library.

Section [background]

Setting Description
BACKGROUND=000000 Background colour. Most used in [list] gradients.
BACKGROUND_ALPHA=0 Background colour transparency.
BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOR=000000 2nd colour in gradient
BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_START=0 Start point of gradient change. [BACKGROUND] changes to [BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOR] colour.
BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_STOP=255 End point of gradient change.
0 = None
1 = Vertical
2 = Horizontal
BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_DITHER=0 Apply dithering effect to background gradient to help smooth out banding in the background gradient.
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_BLUR=0 Apply blur to background gradient.
0 = Disabled
1 or greater = Level of blur.

Section [font]

Setting Description
FONT_HEADER_PAD_TOP=0 Number of pixels from top of header area to header text.
FONT_HEADER_PAD_BOTTOM=0 Number of pixels from bottom of header area to header text.
FONT_HEADER_ICON_PAD_TOP=0 Number of pixels from top of header area to header icons.
FONT_HEADER_ICON_PAD_BOTTOM=0 Number of pixels from bottom of header area to header icons.
FONT_FOOTER_PAD_TOP=0 Number of pixels from top of footer area to footer text.
FONT_FOOTER_PAD_BOTTOM=0 Number of pixels from bottom of footer area to footer text.
FONT_FOOTER_ICON_PAD_TOP=0 Number of pixels from top of footer area to footer icons.
FONT_FOOTER_ICON_PAD_BOTTOM=0 Number of pixels from bottom of footer area to footer icons.
FONT_MESSAGE_PAD_TOP=0 Number of pixels from top of message area to message text.
FONT_MESSAGE_PAD_BOTTOM=0 Number of pixels from bottom of message area to message text.
FONT_MESSAGE_ICON_PAD_TOP=0 Number of pixels from top of message area to message icons.
FONT_MESSAGE_ICON_PAD_BOTTOM=0 Number of pixels from bottom of message area to message icons.
FONT_LIST_PAD_TOP=0 Number of pixels from top of a list item area to a list item text.
FONT_LIST_PAD_BOTTOM=0 Number of pixels from bottom of an item area to a list item text.
FONT_LIST_PAD_LEFT=0 Number of pixels from left of a list item area to a list item text.
FONT_LIST_PAD_RIGHT=0 Number of pixels from right of an item area to a list item text.
FONT_LIST_ICON_PAD_TOP=0 Number of pixels from top of a list item area to a list item glyph.
FONT_LIST_ICON_PAD_BOTTOM=0 Number of pixels from bottom of an item area to a list item glyph.

Note: By default text and glyphs in the header, footer, and list items will be centered vertically. It is recommended to start with a value of 0. Depending on the font used you may need to adjust the FONT_LIST_PAD_TOP or FONT_LIST_PAD_BOTTOM settings. FONT_LIST_PAD_TOP to move the text down and FONT_LIST_PAD_BOTTOM to move the text up. Do not use both settings at the same time.

Section [status]

Setting Description
ALIGN=1 Alignment of header icons
0 = Left
1 = Right
2 = Center
3 = Icons spaced evenly across header
4 = icons evenly distributed with equal space around them
5 = First icon aligned left last icon aligned right all other icons evenly distributed
PADDING_LEFT=0 Number of pixels of space to add to left side of the header icons.
PADDING_RIGHT=0 Number of pixels of space to add to right side of the header icons.

Section [battery]

Setting Description
BATTERY_NORMAL=000000 Battery icon standard recolour .
BATTERY_ACTIVE=207d0e On-charge battery icon recolour .
BATTERY_LOW=7d0e0e Low battery icon recolour .
BATTERY_NORMAL_ALPHA=255 Battery icon standard recolour transparency.
BATTERY_ACTIVE_ALPHA=255 On-charge battery icon recolour transparency.
BATTERY_LOW_ALPHA=255 Low battery icon recolour transparency.

Section [network]

Setting Description
NETWORK_NORMAL=53422e Disconnected network icon recolour .
NETWORK_ACTIVE=000000 Connected network icon recolour .
NETWORK_NORMAL_ALPHA=255 Disconnected network icon recolour transparency.
NETWORK_ACTIVE_ALPHA=255 Connected network icon recolour transparency.

Section [bluetooth]

Setting Description
BLUETOOTH_NORMAL=53422e Disconnected bluetooth icon colour. Yet to be implemented.
BLUETOOTH_ACTIVE=000000 Connected bluetooth icon colour. Yet to be implemented.
BLUETOOTH_NORMAL_ALPHA=255 Disconnected bluetooth icon transparency. Yet to be implemented.
BLUETOOTH_ACTIVE_ALPHA=255 Connected bluetooth icon transparency. Yet to be implemented.

Section [date]

Setting Description
DATETIME_TEXT=000000 Time text colour.
DATETIME_ALPHA=255 Time text transparency.
DATETIME_ALIGN=1 Alignment of time text
0 = Auto
1 = Left
2 = Center
3 = Right
PADDING_LEFT=0 Number of pixels of space to add to left side of the time text.
PADDING_RIGHT=0 Number of pixels of space to add to right side of the time text.
Setting Description
FOOTER_HEIGHT=42 Adjust the height of the footer by pixels.
FOOTER_BACKGROUND=000000 Footer area/background colour.
FOOTER_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=0 Footer area/background transparency.
FOOTER_TEXT=000000 Footer text colour, not including any navigation buttons.
FOOTER_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Footer text transparency, not including any navigation buttons.

Section [header]

Setting Description
HEADER_HEIGHT=42 Adjust the height of the header by pixels.
HEADER_BACKGROUND=000000 Header area/background colour.
HEADER_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=0 Header area/background transparency.
HEADER_TEXT=000000 Header text colour, not including time text.
HEADER_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Header text transparency, not including time text.
HEADER_TEXT_ALIGN=2 Alignment of header title text
0 = Auto
1 = Left
2 = Center
3 = Right
PADDING_LEFT=0 Number of pixels of space to add to left side of the title text.
PADDING_RIGHT=0 Number of pixels of space to add to right side of the title text.

Section [help]

Setting Description
HELP_BACKGROUND=5d0014 Help/info background window colour.
HELP_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Help/info background window transparency.
HELP_BORDER=ffe5b9 Help/info window border colour.
HELP_BORDER_ALPHA=255 Help/info window border transparency.
HELP_CONTENT=ffe5b9 Help/info window standard text colour.
HELP_TITLE=ffe5b9 Help/info window title text colour.
HELP_RADIUS=10 Border roundness. 0 is a right angle. 10+ is very round.

Section [navigation]

Setting Description
ALIGNMENT=1 Regarding all navigation buttons in the footer. 0 = aligned to the left, 1 = central aligned, 2 = aligned to the right. Anything above is a secret.
NAV_A_GLYPH=000000 The device’s “A” button - icon recolour .
NAV_A_GLYPH_ALPHA=255 The device’s “A” button - icon transparency.
NAV_A_GLYPH_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=255 The device’s “A” button - icon recolour transparency.
NAV_A_TEXT=000000 Text describing the function of the “A” button - recolour .
NAV_A_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Text describing the function of the “A” button - transparency.
NAV_B_GLYPH=000000 The device’s “B” button - icon colour.
NAV_B_GLYPH_ALPHA=255 The device’s “B” button - icon transparency.
NAV_B_GLYPH_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=255 The device’s “B” button - icon recolour transparency.
NAV_B_TEXT=000000 Text describing the function of the “B” button - recolour .
NAV_B_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Text describing the function of the “B” button - transparency.
NAV_C_GLYPH=000000 The device’s “C” button - icon colour.
NAV_C_GLYPH_ALPHA=255 The device’s “C” button - icon transparency.
NAV_C_GLYPH_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=255 The device’s “C” button - icon recolour transparency.
NAV_C_TEXT=000000 Text describing the function of the “C” button - recolour .
NAV_C_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Text describing the function of the “C” button - transparency.
NAV_X_GLYPH=000000 The device’s “X” button - icon colour.
NAV_X_GLYPH_ALPHA=255 The device’s “X” button - icon transparency.
NAV_X_GLYPH_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=255 The device’s “X” button - icon recolour transparency.
NAV_X_TEXT=000000 Text describing the function of the “X” button - recolour .
NAV_X_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Text describing the function of the “X” button - transparency.
NAV_Y_GLYPH=000000 The device’s “Y” button - icon colour.
NAV_Y_GLYPH_ALPHA=255 The device’s “Y” button - icon transparency.
NAV_Y_GLYPH_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=255 The device’s “Y” button - icon recolour transparency.
NAV_Y_TEXT=000000 Text describing the function of the “Y” button - recolour .
NAV_Y_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Text describing the function of the “Y” button - transparency.
NAV_Z_GLYPH=000000 The device’s “Z” button - icon colour.
NAV_Z_GLYPH_ALPHA=255 The device’s “Z” button - icon transparency.
NAV_Z_GLYPH_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=255 The device’s “Z” button - icon recolour transparency.
NAV_Z_TEXT=000000 Text describing the function of the “Z” button - recolour .
NAV_Z_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Text describing the function of the “Z” button - transparency.
NAV_MENU_GLYPH=000000 The device’s “M/MENU” button - icon colour.
NAV_MENU_GLYPH_ALPHA=255 The device’s “M/MENU” button - icon transparency.
NAV_MENU_GLYPH_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=255 The device’s “M/MENU” button - icon recolour transparency.
NAV_MENU_TEXT=000000 Text describing the function of the “M” button - recolour .
NAV_MENU_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Text describing the function of the “M” button - transparency.

Section [grid]

Allows for displaying a grid of icons for the main menu or content explorer. Content Explorer will only be displayed for directories that only contain folders. You can disable grid view for a specific folder by adding an empty .nogrid text file to the root of the directory.

Setting Description
1=Top Left
2=Top Middle
3=Top Right
4=Bottom Left
5=Bottom Middle
6=Bottom Right
7=Left Middle
8=Right Middle
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_WIDTH=600 Width of label. A value of 0 will size to content.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_HEIGHT=0 Height of label. A value of 0 will size to content.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_RADIUS=10 Add radius to label corners. 0 is a right angle. 10+ is very round.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_BORDER_WIDTH=5 Border width in pixels.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_BORDER_ALPHA=255 Label border transparency.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_BACKGROUND=000000 Label background colour.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Label background transparency.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Label text transparency.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT=2 Text horizontal alignment:
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_TEXT_LINE_SPACING=0 Amount of spacing between lines of text. Negative values can be used.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_TEXT_PADDING_BOTTOM=10 Amount of padding between bottom edge of label and text.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_TEXT_PADDING_LEFT=10 Amount of padding between left edge of label and text.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_TEXT_PADDING_RIGHT=10 Amount of padding between right edge of label and text.
CURRENT_ITEM_LABEL_TEXT_PADDING_TOP=10 Amount of padding between top edge of label and text.
NAVIGATION_TYPE=2 2: Left/right/up/down navigation. Left/Right navigation at beginning or end of row moves to previous or next row.
4: Same as 2 except that left/right wraps around on the active row.
BACKGROUND=000000 Grid main background colour.
BACKGROUND_ALPHA=0 Grid main background transparency.
LOCATION_X=0 Horizontal position of grid in pixels
LOCATION_Y=0 Vertical position of grid in pixels
COLUMN_COUNT=0 Number of columns
ROW_COUNT=0 Number of rows displayed on screen at one time
ROW_HEIGHT=0 Height in pixels of each row
COLUMN_WIDTH=0 Width in pixels of each column
CELL_COLUMN_ALIGN=1 Alignment of grid cell to column.
0 = Left
1 = Center
2 = Right
CELL_ROW_ALIGN=1 Alignment of grid cell to row.
0 = Top
1 = Center
2 = Bottom
CELL_WIDTH=200 Width of cell in pixels. Cell will be centered horizontally and vertically.
CELL_HEIGHT=200 Height of cell in pixels. Cell will be centered horizontally and vertically.
CELL_RADIUS=10 Add radius to cell corners. 0 is a right angle. 10+ is very round.
CELL_BORDER_WIDTH=5 Cell border width in pixels.
CELL_IMAGE_PADDING_TOP=5 Amount of padding between top edge of cell and cell image. Note: If text alpha is set to 0 image will be centered in the cell by default.
CELL_TEXT_PADDING_BOTTOM=5 Amount of padding between bottom edge of cell and text label.
CELL_TEXT_PADDING_SIDE=5 Amount of padding between edge of cell and text label.
CELL_TEXT_LINE_SPACING=0 Adjust spacing between lines for text labels that wrap text. Negative values can be used to bring lines closer together.
CELL_SHADOW=000000 Grid cell shadow colour
CELL_SHADOW_WIDTH=0 Width in pixels of the shadow
CELL_SHADOW_X_OFFSET=10 Horizontal offset in pixels of the shadow
CELL_SHADOW_Y_OFFSET=10 Vertical offset in pixels of the shadow
CELL_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND=000000 Unselected cell background colour.
CELL_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Unselected cell background transparency.
CELL_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOR=000000 2nd colour in gradient
CELL_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_STOP=255 End point of gradient change.
0 = None
1 = Vertical
2 = Horizontal
CELL_DEFAULT_BORDER=000000 Unselected cell border colour.
CELL_DEFAULT_BORDER_ALPHA=255 Unselected cell border transparency.
CELL_DEFAULT_IMAGE_ALPHA=255 Unselected cell image transparency.
CELL_DEFAULT_IMAGE_RECOLOUR=000000 Unselected cell image recolour.
CELL_DEFAULT_IMAGE_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=0 Unselected cell image recolour transparency.
CELL_DEFAULT_TEXT=000000 Unselected cell text colour.
CELL_DEFAULT_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Unselected cell text transparency.
CELL_FOCUS_BACKGROUND=000000 Selected cell background colour.
CELL_FOCUS_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Selected cell background transparency.
CELL_FOCUS_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOR=000000 2nd colour in gradient
CELL_FOCUS_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_STOP=255 End point of gradient change.
0 = None
1 = Vertical
2 = Horizontal
CELL_FOCUS_BORDER=000000 Selected cell border colour.
CELL_FOCUS_BORDER_ALPHA=255 Selected cell border transparency.
CELL_FOCUS_IMAGE_ALPHA=255 Selected cell image transparency.
CELL_FOCUS_IMAGE_RECOLOUR=000000 Selected cell image recolour.
CELL_FOCUS_IMAGE_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=0 Selected cell image recolour transparency.
CELL_FOCUS_TEXT=000000 Selected cell text colour.
CELL_FOCUS_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Selected cell text transparency.

Section [list]

For all list item backgrounds, gradients can be applied. L-R = 0-255.

Setting Description
LIST_DEFAULT_RADIUS=0 Background window border radius. 0 = square, 5+ = round. This applies setting applies to LIST_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND & LIST_FOCUS_BACKGROUND
LIST_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND=ececec Unselected list item main background colour.
LIST_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=0 Unselected list item main background transparency.
LIST_DEFAULT_GRADIENT_START=0 Start point of gradient change. [background] changes 2nd colour.
LIST_DEFAULT_GRADIENT_STOP=0 End point of gradient change.
0 = None
1 = Vertical
2 = Horizontal
LIST_DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH=5 Unselected list item border width in pixels.
LIST_DEFAULT_BORDER_SIDE=4 Unselected list item border sides.
0 = None
1 = Bottom
2 = Top
4 = Left
8 = Right
Note: To do multiple sides add the values. For example to do top, bottom, left, and right you would add the 4 values together to get 15.
LIST_DEFAULT_INDICATOR=ececec Unselected list item indicator/border colour.
LIST_DEFAULT_INDICATOR_ALPHA=0 Unselected list item indicator/border transparency.
LIST_DEFAULT_TEXT=53422e Unselected list item text colour.
LIST_DEFAULT_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Unselected list item text transparency.
LIST_DEFAULT_GLYPH_PAD_LEFT=19 Adjusts the padding in pixels from the left side of the list item to the center of the glyph.

LIST_DEFAULT_GLYPH_ALPHA=255 List item glyph transparency
LIST_DEFAULT_GLYPH_RECOLOUR=53422e Unselected list item glyph recolour.
LIST_DEFAULT_GLYPH_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=255 Transparency of this colour.
LIST_DEFAULT_LABEL_LONG_MODE=1 Long mode behavior for label text.
0 = Wrap long lines
1 = Show elipse when unselected. Scroll text when item selected.
LIST_DISABLED_TEXT=a78b65 Unavailable list item text colour.
LIST_DISABLED_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Unavailable list item text transparency.
LIST_FOCUS_BACKGROUND=000000 Selected list item main background colour.
LIST_FOCUS_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=0 Selected list item main background transparency.
LIST_FOCUS_GRADIENT_START=0 Start point of gradient change. [background] changes 2nd colour.
LIST_FOCUS_GRADIENT_STOP=0 End point of gradient change.
LIST_FOCUS_GRADIENT_DIRECTION=0 Direction of gradient.
0 = None
1 = Vertical
2 = Horizontal
LIST_FOCUS_BORDER_WIDTH=5 Selected list item border width in pixels.
LIST_FOCUS_BORDER_SIDE=4 Selected list item border sides.
0 = None
1 = Bottom
2 = Top
4 = Left
8 = Right
Note: To do multiple sides add the values. For example to do top, bottom, left, and right you would add the 4 values together to get 15.
LIST_FOCUS_INDICATOR=5d0014 Selected list item indicator/border colour.
LIST_FOCUS_INDICATOR_ALPHA=255 Selected list item indicator/border transparency.
LIST_FOCUS_TEXT=5d0014 Selected list item text colour.
LIST_FOCUS_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Selected list item text transparency.
LIST_FOCUS_GLYPH_ALPHA=255 Selected List item glyph transparency.
LIST_FOCUS_GLYPH_RECOLOUR=5d0014 Selected list item glyph recolour.
LIST_FOCUS_GLYPH_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=255 Transparency of this colour.

Section [image_list]

Alters properties of list images.

Setting Description
IMAGE_LIST_ALPHA=255 Image transparency
IMAGE_LIST_RADIUS=3 Image window radius. 0 = no change. 10+ = heavily rounded window.
IMAGE_LIST_RECOLOUR=ad0000 Image recolour.
IMAGE_LIST_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=0 Transparency of this colour.
IMAGE_LIST_PAD_TOP=0 Number of pixels of space to add to top side of the image.
IMAGE_LIST_PAD_BOTTOM=0 Number of pixels of space to add to bottom side of the image.
IMAGE_LIST_PAD_LEFT=0 Number of pixels of space to add to left side of the image.
IMAGE_LIST_PAD_RIGHT=0 Number of pixels of space to add to right side of the image.
IMAGE_PREVIEW_ALPHA=255 Preview image transparency
IMAGE_PREVIEW_RADIUS=3 Image window radius. 0 = no change. 10+ = heavily rounded window.
IMAGE_PREVIEW_RECOLOUR=ad0000 Image recolour.
IMAGE_PREVIEW_RECOLOUR_ALPHA=0 Transparency of this colour.

Section [charging]

When placed on charge without booting, the charging screen will appear.

Setting Description
CHARGER_BACKGROUND=100808 Charging banner background colour.
CHARGER_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=0 Charging banner background transparency.
CHARGER_TEXT=000000 Charging banner text colour.
CHARGER_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Charging banner text transparency.
CHARGER_Y_POS=100 Position of the banner from the centre. -100 is up, 100 is down.

Section [keyboard]

Setting Description
OSK_BACKGROUND=5d0014 On-screen keyboard background window colour.
OSK_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 On-screen keyboard background window transparency.
OSK_BORDER=ffe5b9 On-screen keyboard background window border colour.
OSK_BORDER_ALPHA=255 On-screen keyboard background window border transparency.
OSK_RADIUS=10 Background window border radius. 0 = square, 5+ = round.
OSK_TEXT=ffe5b9 Unselected and inputted text colour.
OSK_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Unselected and inputted text transparency.
OSK_TEXT_FOCUS=ffe5b9 Selected text colour.
OSK_TEXT_FOCUS_ALPHA=255 Selected text transparency.
OSK_ITEM_BACKGROUND=000000 Unselected text background / button colour.
OSK_ITEM_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=50 Unselected text background / button transparency.
OSK_ITEM_BACKGROUND_FOCUS=000000 Selected text background / button colour.
OSK_ITEM_BACKGROUND_FOCUS_ALPHA=150 Selected text background / button transparency.
OSK_ITEM_BORDER=c0c0c0 Unselected text button border colour.
OSK_ITEM_BORDER_ALPHA=0 Unselected text button border transparency.
OSK_ITEM_BORDER_FOCUS=ffe5b9 Selected text button border colour.
OSK_ITEM_BORDER_FOCUS_ALPHA=255 Selected text button border transparency.
OSK_ITEM_RADIUS=5 All button border radius. 0 = square, 5+ = round.

Section [notification]

Setting Description
MSG_BACKGROUND=5d0014 Pop-up message background colour.
MSG_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Pop-up message background transparency.
MSG_BORDER=ffe5b9 Pop-up message window border colour.
MSG_BORDER_ALPHA=255 Pop-up message window border transparency.
MSG_RADIUS=10 Pop-up message window border roundness. 0 = square, 5+ = round.
MSG_TEXT=ffe5b9 Pop-up message text colour.
MSG_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Pop-up message text transparency.

Section [bar]

This is the horizontal bar showing volume/brightness.

Setting Description
BAR_WIDTH=615 Background of the bar window - width.
BAR_HEIGHT=5d0014 Background of the bar window - height.
BAR_BACKGROUND=5d0014 Background of the bar window - colour.
BAR_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Background of the bar window - transparency.
BAR_BORDER=ffe5b9 Bar window border colour.
BAR_BORDER_ALPHA=255 Bar window border transparency.
BAR_RADIUS=10 Bar window border roundness. 0 = square, 5+ = round.
BAR_PROGRESS_WIDTH=550 Inactive section of the progress bar - width.
BAR_PROGRESS_HEIGHT=16 Inactive section of the progress bar - height.
BAR_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND=000000 Inactive section of the progress bar - colour.
BAR_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Inactive section of the progress bar - transparency.
BAR_PROGRESS_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND=ffe5b9 Active section of the progress bar - colour.
BAR_PROGRESS_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Active section of the progress bar - transparency.
BAR_PROGRESS_RADIUS=3 Progress bar roundness. 0 = square, 5+ = round.
BAR_ICON=ffe5b9 Bar icon/glyph colour. Volume/brightness symbol.
BAR_ICON_ALPHA=255 Bar icon transparency. Volume/brightness symbol.
BAR_Y_POS=384 Vertical position of the bar from the top.

Section [roll]

This relates to the passcode/lock screen when enabled in settings.

Setting Description
ROLL_TEXT=53422e Unselected passcode text colour.
ROLL_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Unselected passcode text transparency.
ROLL_BACKGROUND=fbfbfb Unselected passcode background / button colour.
ROLL_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Unselected passcode background / button transparency.
ROLL_RADIUS=10 Unselected passcode button border radius.
ROLL_SELECT_TEXT=000000 Selected passcode text colour.
ROLL_SELECT_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Selected passcode text transparency.
ROLL_SELECT_BACKGROUND=000000 Selected passcode background / button colour.
ROLL_SELECT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=50 Selected passcode background / button transparency.
ROLL_SELECT_RADIUS=10 Selected passcode button border radius.
ROLL_BORDER_COLOUR=53422e Window border colour.
ROLL_BORDER_ALPHA=255 Window border transparency.
ROLL_BORDER_RADIUS=10 Window border roundness. 0 = square, 5+ = round.

Section [counter]

Setting Description
COUNTER_ALIGNMENT=2 0 = aligned to the left, 1 = central aligned, 2 = aligned to the right.
COUNTER_PADDING_AROUND=10 Number of pixels around the text of the counter.
COUNTER_PADDING_SIDE=5 Number of pixels to move the counter from the side of the screen. Only used with left and right alignments
COUNTER_PADDING_TOP=50 Number of pixels from screen top to place the counter.
COUNTER_BORDER_COLOUR=c69200 Border colour.
COUNTER_BORDER_ALPHA=255 Border transparency.
COUNTER_BORDER_WIDTH=2 Border width in pixels.
COUNTER_RADIUS=3 Border roundness. 0 is a right angle. 10+ is very round.
COUNTER_BACKGROUND=100808 Counter area/background colour.
COUNTER_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Counter area/background transparency.
COUNTER_TEXT=ffffff Counter text colour.
COUNTER_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Counter text transparency.
COUNTER_TEXT_FADE_TIME=50 Used to gradually fade out the counter when screen activity is idle. A value of 0 will disable the setting.
COUNTER_TEXT_SEPARATOR= of Separator in between the current item index and the number of items in the list. Default value “ of “ which would display as “1 of 50”.

Section [meta]

Setting Description
META_CUT=40 Number of characters on each line in help/info windows before making a new one.

Section [terminal]

Setting Description
FOREGROUND=FFFFFF Font colour of terminal window
BACKGROUND=000000 Background colour of terminal window

Section [verbose]

Setting Description
VERBOSE_BOOT_BACKGROUND=000000 Background colour of verbose boot messages.
VERBOSE_BOOT_BACKGROUND_ALPHA=255 Background colour transparency.
VERBOSE_BOOT_TEXT=FFFFFF Text colour of verbose boot messages.
VERBOSE_BOOT_TEXT_ALPHA=255 Text colour transparency.
VERBOSE_BOOT_Y_POS=165 Vertical position of verbose boot messages in pixels.

Section [animation]

Setting Description
ANIMATION_DELAY=100 When ANIMATED_BACKGROUND is set to 2 (png sequence) controls the duration of each frame in milliseconds.
ANIMATION_REPEAT=0 Number of times to repeat animation. A setting of zero will repeat the animation inifinitely.

Section [misc]

Setting Description
ANIMATED_BACKGROUND=0 0 = Static background
1 = Animated GIF background
* 2 = Animated PNG sequence background

*Note: The preferred animated background is PNG sequence which uses the naming convention {ProgramName}.{FrameIndex}.png for example: muxlaunch.0.png, muxlaunch.1.png, muxlaunch.2.png. Speed is controlled by the ANIMATION_DELAY setting
RANDOM_BACKGROUND=0 If set to 1 randomly select background image based on PNG sequence. Uses the naming convention {programname}.{Index}.png for example to have the background for muxlaunch randomly selected you would name the images: muxlaunch.0.png, muxlaunch.1.png, muxlaunch.2.png…
CONTENT_SIZE_TO_CONTENT=0 Resizes list items to fit text of item. If enabled CONTENT_WIDTH will be used as a max width.
CONTENT_ALIGNMENT=0 Alignment of list item. 0=Left, 1=Center, 2=Right. CONTENT_PADDING_LEFT can be used to adjust postion. Negative value to shift items left, positive value to shift items right.
CONTENT_ITEM_COUNT=13 Number of list items displayed in content panel. This setting along with CONTENT_HEIGHT to determine the height of each item. For example if CONTENT_HEIGHT = 300 and CONTENT_ITEM_COUNT = 10 then each item will be 30px tall. The first 28px will be used to display the item followed by a 2px gap.
Note: This field has a minimum value of 5 and a maximum value of 13. The value set here also controls paging up and down in the list.
CONTENT_ITEM_HEIGHT=0 Sets a static height for each list item. If used number of items will be calculated based CONTENT_HEIGHT size. Note: Should only be used if not using CONTENT_ITEM_COUNT
CONTENT_PADDING_LEFT=0 Number of pixels from screen left to list items. Commonly on 0.
CONTENT_PADDING_TOP=0 Number of pixels from screen top to list items.
Note: By default the list is positioned based on header height + 2px. With a default header height of 42px the list will start 44px from the top in order for it to be past the header. If you want the content list to take up the full screen you can use a value of -44 here. If your header height is larger you would need to adjust accordingly.
CONTENT_HEIGHT=392 Adjust the height of the content panel by pixels. (Minimum value = 100 Maximum value = Device Screen Height)
CONTENT_WIDTH=640 Adjust the width of list item content by horizontal pixels.
NAVIGATION_TYPE=0 0: For vertical (up/down) navigation.
1: For horizontal (left/right).
2: For launch menu with two rows of 4 icons. (left/right/up/down)
3: For launch menu with two rows of icons. Top row has 3 icons and bottom row has 5 icons. (left/right/up/down)
4: Same as 2 except that left/right wraps around on the active row.
5: Same as 3 except that left/right wraps around on the active row.
STATIC_ALIGNMENT=0 Custom images that can outside of wallpapers. See below for details.
IMAGE_OVERLAY=0 Do you want to use an overlay .png image? 0 is no. 1 is yes.
ANTIALIASING=1 Apply atialieasing to fonts
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled

Static Alignment Values

  • Describes the layering and position of static images with other elements.
  • Place static images in ./images/static/ named similarly to wall images.
  • You cannot use a default.png as a static image.
  • You can use static images for individual list items and programs.
Value Description
0 Bottom Right (Just above the footer)
1 Middle Right
2 Top Right (Just below the header)
3 Fullscreen - behind header and footer
4 Fullscreen - above header and footer