muOS Artwork
Changes since muOS Origin v10
Box Art / Preview Art / Game Text is no longer tied to the directory structure you use for your ROMs.
All of these files are now stored in a location referred to as the catalogue.
muOS Catalogue Structure
Folders for all available systems should be automatically created for you.
These systems match the catalogue=
entry in /mnt/mmc/MUOS/info/assign/<system>.ini
Example ini file
name=Atari 2600
catalogue=Atari 2600
Here we can see the catalogue folder for this system is Atari 2600
All game artwork should be named to match your ROMs.
└── info
└── catalogue
├── <System>
│ ├── box
│ │ └── romname.png
│ ├── preview
│ │ └── romname.png
│ └── text
│ └── romname.txt
├── Folder
│ ├── box
│ │ └── foldername.png
│ ├── preview
│ │ └── foldername.png
│ └── text
│ └── foldername.txt
└── Root
└── box
├── sd1.png
└── sd2.png
As muOS assigns artwork by system, you will need to assign a core before artwork is displayed.
Starting in muOS Beans
it should attempt to assign a system automatically.
If you have some ROMs in:
Artwork files for this system go in:
/mnt/mmc/MUOS/info/catalogue/Nintendo SNES-SFC/
The folder named Folder can be used to apply artwork to any folder in content explorer and just needs to match the folder name.
(not case sensitive). To have folder icons for all subdirectories listed, you would need:
└── Folder
└── box
├── nintendo.png
├── snes.png
└── action.png
antiKk’s muOS Artwork
Skraper mixes, and Artwork for the Tiny Best Set are available here: