Available Emulators

Name Type Version
PICO-8 Standalone  
fake-08 Libretro Core
Retro8 Libretro Core  

Default Emulator

By default muOS uses the fake-08 libretro core.
This is only the default because it doesn’t require you to purchase the native PICO-8 application.
We strongly suggest you purchase the native application to support this wonderful system!

PICO-8 Emulator Files

Native PICO-8 is now supported!
Starting with muOS Banana, the pico8 files can go in your MUOS/bios/pico8 on either SD1 or SD2 depending on where you’ve chosen to put those.
Older version of muOS require the files here: /MUOS/emulator/pico8 The files required to run PICO-8 natively are stored on SD1 in the /MUOS/emulator/pico8 folder.
In order to use native PICO-8 you’ll need to place your own purchased binaries in there.
You will need a copy of the following files from the Raspberry Pi version:

  • pico8_64
  • pico8.dat

Starting with muOS Pixie you can now drop your official pico-8 zip into /ARCHIVE on either SD Card and install using muOS Archive Manager.
The file is named pico-8_0.2.6b_raspi.zip as of the writing of this page.
The extension will need to be changed to .muxzip firstly to be recognised.

Once you add your purchased files from Lexaloffle you’ll need to set muOS to use the PICO-8 External emulator.

  • Browse to where your PICO-8 games are in muOS content explorer.
  • Press select on any of the items and change core.
  • Select PICO-8 (External) and press X to set this core for the whole directory!

PICO-8 Standalone Keys

Button Action
A / R1 Button X
B / L1 Button O
Start Pause
Select Cancel
L2 Toggle Mouse Mode
Left Stick Mouse
A (Mouse Mode) Left Mouse
B (Mouse Mode) Right Mouse
Start + Select Quit

Mouse Mode coming soon!

Legacy Instructions For muOS v10 you need the 32bit binary.

  • pico8_dyn
  • pico8.dat

Where can I get those binaries?

You can purchase PICO-8 from lexaloffle.

Can I use Splore?

You sure can!
You will need to create a blank file named Splore.p8 [case sensitive] in your PICO-8 ROMs folder.
You can also download a suitable file here
Simply launch that Splore file from muOS and you’re in!